Krishi Sarathi – 1 Litre


Krishi Sarthi protects your grownup crops from falling in situations like Heavy storms, Rains and even crop breaking. Farmers go in heavy pain when crops are broken or dives down due to heavy rain due to atmospheric pressure storms and winds.

Krishi Sarti tries to recover the bends slowly after the rain and winds stops and powerups the crops to erect back again as earlier, which recovers farmers from big losses.

Krishi Sarthi does not guarantee 100% recovery but upto an extent of 90% crops is saved back after falling.

Available on back-order


Krishi Sarthi protects your grownup crops from falling in situations like Heavy storms, Rains and even crop breaking. Farmers go in heavy pain when crops are broken or dives down due to heavy rain due to atmospheric pressure storms and winds.

Krishi Sarti tries to recover the bends slowly after the rain and winds stops and powerups the crops to erect back again as earlier, which recovers farmers from big losses.

Krishi Sarthi does not guarantee 100% recovery but upto an extent of 90% crops is saved back after falling.

Steps to use :

Spray the solution every 20 to 30 days on crops once they attain fruits/seeds until the crops are harvested.
1 litre solution along with 200 litre water for 1 acre of farm.


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